1 How to Use CBD for Optimal Muscle Recovery
Lane Deason edited this page 2 months ago

Your body's pain response is a complex process involving multiple pathways and neurotransmitters, and CBD's ability to interact with these systems is the key to its remarkable pain-relieving effects - Muscle recovery using CBD. When you experience pain, your body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) is triggered, releasing natural cannabinoids that bind to receptors to reduce pain signals. CBD, a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, mimics these natural cannabinoids, binding to the same receptors to reduce pain percepti

You'll be interested to learn that CBD's interaction with cannabinoid receptors triggers a cascade of anti-inflammatory effects, which involve the suppression of specific inflammation pathways. This is pivotal in pain management, as chronic inflammation is a major contributor to muscle pain. When CBD binds to cannabinoid receptors, it reduces the production of inflammatory markers, such as prostaglandins and cytokines, which exacerbate pain and inflammatio

'Computer posture' encourages rounding of the shoulders, shortening of the lower adominal area muscles, lengthening of the buttock muscles from sitting (hence the floppy appearance), and shortening of front side hip muscles for exactly reason. Ham strings (back of the thigh) also become tight and in addition, prolonged sitting and slumping weakens our core stability muscles